Wherever one goes in Copenhagen’s Bella Center there are young people gathered, sharing their stories and concerns and making plans to keep in touch once this conference is over....
Like every other local government in Michigan, Benzie County is really feeling the state budget crunch. That’s why, earlier this year, Benzie officials decided to cut their entire planning and zoning program; it’s a “non-mandated” service, so it is an easy target for cuts....
So, what can you do from home? After getting that question via email from a number of you, I pulled together a few ideas based on what I’m seeing here. ...
Today I’m busy connecting with the team from 350.org, who all know Traverse City by name and are so happy to finally meet someone from a city that they have been hearing about for over a year, thanks to the good work of so many people who helped put TC350 on the map....
And so it really is happening, finally! Young people, old people, seasoned travelers, climate experts, students, and activists from around the world are on their way to what is to be the world’s biggest stage for negotiating climate solutions....
If the Grand Vision wanted a ‘poster community’ to illustrate the challenge of implementing the region’s new growth strategy, it would be Acme Township....
I had the great fortune to attend one of Martha Ryan’s Wednesday night Cook and Dine classes at Martha’s Leelanau Table last week. What a fun, enjoyable evening!...
Chickens in the city? That is the question that the Traverse City planning commission is pondering, and it appears that many people are saying “yes.”...
Located along a particularly beautiful stretch of northern Lake Michigan shoreline, the small village of Empire looks like a guaranteed economic success story....
Although it was a regional event, Tuesday night’s rollout of The Grand Vision’s final draft plan at Traverse City’s State Theater was actually a watershed for the entire state....
I have to believe that The Grand Vision process has played a part in giving citizens, like my team in Benzie, the empowerment and encouragement we need to dream....
Seventeen years ago, some Grand Traverse-area residents launched a grassroots movement to better manage the area’s growth. They wanted to protect the area’s pristine environment, farmland, and uniqueness....
On Tuesday May 19th from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the State Theateryou can participate in an historic event: the rollout and celebration of “the final Grand Vision”-a citizen-certified plan for the next 50 years of growth in our six-county region. And the Michigan Land Use Institute is proud to report that it is truly Grand!...