Michigan is set to hear from some of the leading innovators of farm to school programs in the country during the Taking Root: National Farm to Cafeteria Conference in Detroit in May. And that’s not all....
I’ve attended several American Planning Association national conferences in great American cities, and I’ve always been inspired with new ideas and tools that planners are putting into practice....
The most crucial thing Traverse City Light & Power folks asked us about our new special report, 20-20 by 2020: A Clear Vision for Clean-Energy Prosperity, was its call for helping customers cut their energy consumption by 20 percent in just 10 years....
Talk about entrepreneurial spirit! Northwest Michigan’s great creativity and resourcefulness around healthy food and profitable farming shone brightly last Friday at the second annual Farm Route to Prosperity summit....
As they thumbed through their copies of our hot-off-the-press report, 20-20 by 2020: A Clear Vision for Clean-Energy Prosperity, board members asked us all sorts of things....
But we call for much stronger energy efficiency efforts, more wind power, inclusion of solar power, and promotion of local energy entrepreneurship, particularly among our region’s schools, community investment groups, and private concerns.
Anyone looking for a bright economic spot to celebrate in our sorely tried region of the state should have attended last week’s groundbreaking for the new Benzie Bus headquarters....
The debate over a proposed biomass facility in Traverse City has caused a great deal of concern among many Traverse City-area environmentalists, and rightfully so....
There’s been a lot of controversy recently in Traverse City about whether the local electric utility, Traverse City Light & Power, should build a wood-burning biomass plant as part of its plan to make 30 percent of its electricity using renewable sources....