News & Views
Opponents of a proposed sulfide mine in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula have suffered another setback as the state continues to push the controversial project regardless of the dangers it presents to Michigan rivers....
The State of Michigan likes Benzie, too, albeit for different nature-based reason: The county is one of the best places in the state for developing wind power....
The accord that many world leaders finally embraced here in the wee early hours last Saturday morning, following a marathon of late-night meetings, negotiations, and political wrangling, amounts to nothing more than a handshake agreement to “keep trying” to reduce carbon emissions around the world....
For weeks there was a sense of hope that President Barack Obama’s visit to Copenhagen on the last day of climate negotiations would bring with it enough financial backing, political will, and international fanfare to strike a binding deal that matches up with the known science of global warming....
One of the most inspiring developments this week is the way the small, underdeveloped island nations now stand up for themselves in the global climate talks. ...
The adage, “think globally, act locally” comes to mind, especially as negotiations reach a grinding halt and conference-goers are left looking for ways to start taking the climate challenge into their own hands.
Massive lines and huge crowds surrounded the Bella Center this morning, and even for those who braved the cold in order to get inside, many were turned away at the door....
It’s week two of the climate talks here at the COP 15 and the intensity is on the rise. ...
More than 100,000 people took place in yesterday’s massive demonstration and march from downtown Copenhagen’s Parliament Square to the Bella Center on the outskirts of town....
Wherever one goes in Copenhagen’s Bella Center there are young people gathered, sharing their stories and concerns and making plans to keep in touch once this conference is over....
I’ve been fortunate to travel to Michigan a few times in the past year and a half and have fond memories of all the people I’ve met there. ...
So, what can you do from home? After getting that question via email from a number of you, I pulled together a few ideas based on what I’m seeing here. ...
Today I’m busy connecting with the team from 350.org, who all know Traverse City by name and are so happy to finally meet someone from a city that they have been hearing about for over a year, thanks to the good work of so many people who helped put TC350 on the map....
And so it really is happening, finally! Young people, old people, seasoned travelers, climate experts, students, and activists from around the world are on their way to what is to be the world’s biggest stage for negotiating climate solutions....
On October 30, 2009, I was almost arrested. ...
A few weeks ago, I blogged a bit about communities that are coming together to create their own green energy futures....
“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed individuals to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.”—Margaret Mead...
As Michigan seeks to formulate a new economy that will increasingly rely on clean energy for power and jobs, Benzie County is developing a local wind-energy ordinance that some say could help lower electricity bills and create new employment in the county.