Search Results
Betsie Valley Trail revving up small-town economies...
May 3 election will shape Petoskey’s Victorian downtown...
A battle over size and scale faces a May 3 vote...
Transportation to serve Benzie County workers...
Frankfort debates best path to family-friendly prosperity...
Monday court decision looms as new millage program, trustees try to slow sprawl...
To get ‘The Village’, first decode the developers’ language...
Imagination is key to successful Grand Traverse growth study...
Transportation officials, citizens polishing new people-and-pavement policies...
As region confronts sprawl, Western states’ lessons could help...
Citizen group, new Acme board pursue uncommon ground...
As county grows, residents consider building a bus system...
Former opponents unite to find best solutions to sprawl...
Developer’s data has numerous shortcomings...
Memorandum to Acme Township officials...
Food and fun promote alternatives to one car, one person...
Grand Traverse officials hope feds will fund bridge that many local taxpayers oppose...
Michigan prepares to harmonize highway, transit plans with community character...
Legislators support broad concepts, avoid some local hot topics...
Governor's “context-sensitive” approach could resolve old highway battles...