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I want to like Meijer. They are a Michigan-based company. They even sell fruits and vegetables grown by local farmers. But they flat-out refuse to respect Acme Township’s right to manage growth and maintain small-town character....
Nearly two years ago, 34 people, including yours truly, formed a new community group with a big mission: launch a Land Use and Transportation Study that would allow people in the Grand Traverse region to work together to figure out how they want the area ...
You know that sinking feeling we get driving by our favorite orchard and seeing rows of new houses replacing cherry trees? Or when we shop at ugly, new, big-box stores for low prices even though we know we are helping to drive small, local stores out of b...
New Urbanist Imposters...
A New Urbanist Primer for Michigan...
Foggy fine print can impede a clear vision...
Solving stubborn sewage problem could hasten sprawl headache...
Downtown businesses, neighboring officials oppose move...
January 18, 2004 | By Jim Lively
Leelanau struggle a sign of things to come...
Solutions mix public values, community investment...
February 11, 2003 | By Jim Lively
Tell legislators to 'Stop The Swap'...
January 9, 2003 | By Jim Lively
Governor’s decision energizes lively legislative debate...
December 18, 2002 | By Jim Lively
Two-year process yields creative solutions to long-standing problems...
December 5, 2002 | By Jim Lively
Decision signals Granholm's view for protecting resources...
Out Front on South Fox Island...
Public land debate approaches final stage...
How to develop and adopt yoru own overlay...