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Glenn Puit: Give Emmet an ‘A’

Blog Archive | March 19, 2009 | By Glenn Puit

We are sending out some kudos this week to Emmet County for the very impressive Comprehensive Plan its board of commissioners approved last month....

Obama Stimulus Targets Fresh, Local Food

March 19, 2009 | By Diane Conners

Guidelines encourage farm-to-school programs...

Report: Farming a N.W. Michigan Heavyweight

March 12, 2009 | By Patty Cantrell

New policies, investments, and marketing could make it a champ...

Shauna Fite: Benzie’s Opportunity Summit

Blog Archive | March 3, 2009 | By Shauna Fite

Over 60 people filled the PRA Bingo Hall, as it’s known in Benzie County, on a blustery Saturday to discuss ways to mend and build relations among county and township governments....

Granholm’s Energy Plan Ruffles Coal’s Fans

March 3, 2009 | By Glenn Puit

Her big ‘green jobs’ program aims to cut utility bills, fossil fuel use...

Glenn Puit: Less SLAPP-Happy?

Blog Archive | February 22, 2009 | By Glenn Puit

A costly legal battle between a big-box developer and Emmet County’s Bear Creek Township is winding down, and the news is mixed....

Grand Vision: Grow Towns, not Subdivisions

February 19, 2009 | By Glenn Puit

Draft reflects wide preference for walkable towns, nearby work, open spaces...

Brian Beauchamp: Can Grand Vision Fix TC’s Big Division?

Blog Archive | February 12, 2009 | By Brian Beauchamp

Traverse City’s Division Street is well named....

Institute Backs Granholm’s Big Green Package

February 4, 2009 | By Jim Dulzo

Director says coal plant delay, push for clean energy marks new era for Michigan...

Glenn Puit: One County, Several Worlds

Blog Archive | January 29, 2009 | By Glenn Puit

Nearly a year ago, we reported on the significant cultural and political divides in Benzie County that have led, in part, to two townships pulling out of countywide planning and zoning....

Obama Goes Green to Revive American Economy

January 27, 2009 | By Keith Schneider

His bill matches many goals of enviro-labor Alliance...

Coast to Coast, a New Food Network

January 16, 2009 | By Patty Cantrell

Group forms to help farmers, retailers make local connections...

Glenn Puit: Seger Out, Neiger In

Blog Archive | January 9, 2009 | By Glenn Puit

In two head-turning reversals, Benzie County has fired its zoning administrator, Craig Seger, and revoked its earlier decision to eliminate longtime county planner Dave Neiger....

Avoiding A Coal Collision

January 2, 2009 | By Keith Schneider

Governor appears poised to end Michigan’s dual-track energy strategy...

Greening Industry Grows In Michigan

January 2, 2009 | By Keith Schneider

Aggressive recruiting starting to show results statewide...

Lansing Passes a Farm-to-School Test

December 26, 2008 | By Diane Conners

New law eases restriction on buying local products for student cafeterias...

In Ohio, Rumblings About Pet Coke

December 22, 2008 | By Glenn Puit

As Rogers City plant faces final hearing, Buckeyes warn against dirtier fuel...

Pet Coke: The New Coal?

December 22, 2008 | By Glenn Puit

Across America, utilities are embracing a dirtier, cheaper fuel...

Great Lakes Water: Public or Private?

December 18, 2008 | By Brian Beauchamp

Olson warns treaty loophole could leave states, citizens defenseless...

Local Food Means Local Infrastructure

December 11, 2008 | By Patty Cantrell

Year-round Michigan produce requires new equipment, fresh thinking...

Michigan Land Use Institute

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