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Election results, China policies could cloud a sunny future...
Northern Michigan test hints at deep reserves, potent controversy...
Push for efficient trucks, electric cars make Michigan a clean-car capital...
But sharing plant’s heat makes it better than coal, natural gas...
Led unprecedented expansion of national parks and reserves...
But small countries reject deal, fashioned with China, India, Brazil...
But final act of planetary drama far from clear...
Noisy, colorful, insistent crowds push for action...
But coal industry spends heavily to slow Washington’s response...
Greensburg, Kan., rebuilds as America’s greenest community...
Michigan, its neighbors deploying clean-energy policies to spark job growth...
His bill matches many goals of enviro-labor Alliance...
Governor appears poised to end Michigan’s dual-track energy strategy...
Aggressive recruiting starting to show results statewide...
Campaign, transition team, recent speeches point to renewables...
In midst of coal rush, Michigan tests controversial technology...
State and its capital thrive as Lansing stalls on clean energy...
PG&E, SoCal Edison investing in green power...
As Lansing hesitates, Michigan misses out...