Search Results
In Lansing, three strong women scrap over transportation...
Sidewalks, not highways, are Detroit’s path to prosperity...
A neighborhood’s lure in Harbor Springs...
In era of rancor, uncommon allies unite around halting sprawl...
Cautiously at first, grant program steps toward big investment shift to “Cool Cities.”...
Charlevoix group may hold edge in struggle with world’s largest retailer...
Business leaders reluctant to press for government action...
White House move to spur mining, ease air regulation big factors...
White House sewage plan will make water dirtier, say critics...
Inconsistent steps on state’s liquid gold start second year...
Groups criticize intervention in high profile water case...
Dedicated effort reawakens a small city...
Court’s ruling invites collaboration to secure fresh water...
Movement to draw people together seen as threat by critics...
Head of new department describes business strategy based on Smart Growth principles...
Ann Arbor greenbelt, Grand Rapids transit win big...
Granholm responds to council report, sets priorities to strengthen cities, lasso sprawl...
Decisive role for environment in Michigan could affect presidential campaign...
A bridge, a valley, and the governor’s new economic vision...
Preservationists reclaim history, revive local economies...