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Ms. Beegle is considered one of the nation’s foremost experts on poverty, and she was in Traverse City last month to speak about the issue....
Stockholders' motions question carbon, coal ash costs...
Campaigns push for more cost, rate, and ‘development’ fund data...
When I caught up with Governor Jennifer Granholm at last week’s 12th Annual Michigan Conference on Affordable Housing, in Lansing, she was determined to tell me just how strong an ally Michigan has in President Barack Obama, particularly when it comes to ...
Without feed-in tariffs, a Michigan entrepreneur can’t find a buyer...
One questions coal, another opposes it and demands better accounting...
Researcher wants to protect soil by developing new, perennial grains...
Budget woes turn some schools toward local public transit systems...
Wes Jackson says his lifelong research convinces him that modern agriculture must look far into the past if it is to have a sustainable future....
The debate over a proposed biomass facility in Traverse City has caused a great deal of concern among many Traverse City-area environmentalists, and rightfully so....
Sadly, I’m blogging about this because the glorious Menominee River, like the Salmon Trout River near Big Bay, is now under attack....
February 26, 2010 | By Glenn Puit
Consumers board targeted over financial risks, higher rates, and toxic ash...
Last month’s state hearing for a coal ash landfill that would house millions of tons of toxic coal ash near Lake Huron attracted more than 100 people to the Rogers City High School gymnasium....
February 9, 2010 | By Glenn Puit
Some say cracked limestone could funnel ash leachate to Lake Huron...
Citizens in Iosco and surrounding counties recently sent more than one thousand signatures to Gov. Jennifer Granholm opposing the attempted forced sale of 475 acres of state forest to a golf course developer....
Opponents of a proposed sulfide mine in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula have suffered another setback as the state continues to push the controversial project regardless of the dangers it presents to Michigan rivers....
January 25, 2010 | By Glenn Puit
National push builds for new federal storage rules...
January 20, 2010 | By Glenn Puit
A utility’s big move toward renewables prompts a closer look...
January 18, 2010 | By Glenn Puit
Co-op sees big demand drop, ignores a cheaper, cleaner power plant...
December 14, 2009 | By Glenn Puit
Revelation comes as DEQ readies Rogers City coal plant decision...