Search Results
Two weeks ago, MLUI was selected to participate in a fundraising challenge offered by Moosejaw and Patagonia through Crowdrise. We raised a total of $21,778 for our cause from more than 225 people! On behalf of everyone here at MLUI, I’d like to thank eac...
Our message is clear: TCL&P board members should look far and wide for a new director, attract the best candidates possible, and interview them with wide-open minds and complete transparency. Like every utility today, Traverse City’s is at a crossroads. I...
Despite a tough loss on Prop. 3, we remain optimistic here at the Institute. We’re ready to work toward solutions, and we’ll keep on pushing forward toward our clean energy, pro-environment, pro-economy vision....
In November, Michigan voters can point toward a bright economic and environmental future by approving “25 x 25,” which requires that 25 percent of Michigan’s energy come from renewable sources by 2025....
October 27, 2006 | By Hans Voss
Smart Talk...
November 14, 2005 | By Hans Voss
The Verdict on Smart Growth...
April 5, 2005 | By Hans Voss
Norman, Meet Ralph and Jeanne!...
March 9, 2005 | By Hans Voss
Two Organizations, One Melody...
October 8, 2003 | By Hans Voss
Ready, Set, Goals!...
June 16, 2003 | By Hans Voss
The Lowdown on Motown...
March 24, 2003 | By Hans Voss
Four steps to success for Michigan’s Smart Growth council...
March 24, 2003 | By Hans Voss
Now’s the Time...
October 25, 2002 | By Hans Voss
Joint research project links education, land use, economy...
A Process for DNR minerals management and interagency coordination...
April 12, 2001 | By Hans Voss
On Great Lakes drilling, Engler administration rejects own principles...
March 20, 2001 | By Hans Voss
Energy solutions shouldn’t include destruction of state’s natural treasures...
March 1, 2000 | By Hans Voss
A new Institute project...