Michigan Land Use Institute

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Some Business Groups Resist Water Reforms

November 4, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Michigan lawmakers listen, stall Great Lakes protection bills...

Michigan House Votes Ban on Great Lakes Withdrawals

October 23, 2004 | By Andy Guy

But water experts say constitutional amendment won’t work...

Great Lakes Governors Propose New Water Withdrawal Rules

September 29, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Critics say draft regulations head in wrong direction...

Flush With Pride

September 8, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Waterless urinal more than just a place to......

Bottled Water or Better Toilets?

July 25, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Governors propose new way to protect Great Lakes...

Signs of Life for Affordable Housing

May 16, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Kent County group, west Michigan lawmakers push statewide charge...

Governor’s Conservation Bill Treads Water

May 2, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Citizen panel, state Legislators go slow despite strong public support for proposal...

It’s Showtime, Again!

April 8, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Wealthy Theatre renovation just a part of Grand Rapids’ revival...

A New Kind of Water Park

April 1, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Restored filtration plant would host water-protection research...

Lake Michigan Springs a Leak

March 17, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Deep wells pump up water diversion debate...

Grand Rapids' Skid Row Renaissance

March 16, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Despite Legislature's indifference, artists' housing project proceeds...

Granholm Proposes Water Protection Laws

March 10, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Republican leader, some business groups resist regulation...

Lake Michigan Springs a Leak

February 24, 2004 | By Andy Guy

There’s a way, but little will, to stop it...

Legacy or Letdown?

January 23, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Granholm’s disjointed water plan disappoints allies, pleases opponents...


January 23, 2004 | By Andy Guy


New Groundwater Council Could Challenge Granholm

January 15, 2004 | By Andy Guy

Conservationists await governor’s water proposal...

Granholm Chooses Grand Rapids to Underscore Sprawl-Fighting Priorities

October 31, 2003 | By Andy Guy

Democrat takes case to Republicans in west Michigan...

From the Field

October 8, 2003 | By Andy Guy

Water World...

Speaker’s “Fit of Pique” Over Rivers

October 1, 2003 | By Andy Guy

Granholm opposes Johnson's ideological war against conservation law...

Speaker’s Assault Prompts Defense of River Law

September 21, 2003 | By Andy Guy

House to hold hearing on merit of proven conservation tool...

Michigan Land Use Institute

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