Clean Energy / News & Views / Articles from 1995 to 2012 / Once Again, Traverse City Planning Commission Rejects Bypass Route
Once Again, Traverse City Planning Commission Rejects Bypass Route
WHEREAS, the Traverse City Planning Commission is charged pursuant to state law (Municipal Planning Act, 285 PA 1931) with preparing and adopting physical plans that shape the urban environment, including those areas which fall outside the City limits, but which impact the City, and WHEREAS, the goals of the City Plan included maintaining a small-town atmosphere and encouraging regional cooperation in developing a balanced and diversified transportation network. The City Plan also makes numerous references regarding the need for careful analysis when considering roadway expansion projects, and WHEREAS, based on current TC-TALUS studies, the proposed Traverse City beltline will have little or no potential for reducing automobile traffic within the City, and WHEREAS, other communities around the country have found that beltline type road expansions promote unnecessary urban sprawl, which in turn generates more automobile trips, thereby increasing the need for automobile related infrastructure at great economic and social cost to the community. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Traverse City Planning Commission opposes the construction of the four-lane Hartman-Hammond bridge project and urges Michigan Department of Transportation, Grand Traverse County Road Commission and TC-TALUS to explore other ways to address access to the community, including changes to existing roads and targeted initiatives to promote other modes of transportation, including public transit and non-motorized. I hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Traverse City Planning Commission at its Special Meeting held on March 15, 2000, in the Commission Chambers, Governmental Center, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Michigan.
Barbara Rishel, Chairperson